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-Honoring Bill Finger on what would be his 111th birthday!-

Join us Saturday February 8th from 5-9 pm in honoring Bill Finger on what would be his 111th birthday! Bill was the co-creator (with Bob Kane) of the DC Comics character Batman. Despite making major (sometimes, signature) contributions as an innovative writer, visionary mythos/world builder and illustration architect, Finger (like other creators of his era) was often relegated to ghostwriter status on many comics-including those featuring Batman, and the original Green Lantern.

We will be joined by Bill’s Granddaughter Athena Finger and featuring her works honoring her grandfather in this one day only event!

The most mysterious man in Gotham City wasn’t in a mask and cape…Everyone thinks that Bob Kane created Batman, but that’s not the whole truth. One author makes it his crusade to make it known that Bill Finger, a struggling writer, actually helped invent the iconic superhero, from concept to costume to the very character we all know and love. Bruce Wayne may be Batman’s secret identity, but his creator was always a true mystery.

Watch it on Hulu today!


Heiress to the Dark Knight, Athena fought for her grandfather, Bill Finger, to receive co-credit recognition and won in 2015. She has since taken a roll of the historian of the creation of Batman. Athena is featured in the Hulu documentary Batman and Bill sharing her family’s story of how this injustice followed four generations and was finally resolved with his name being attached to the Batman name.

Athena’s has meticulously recreated her grandfathers works to offer in this exclusive look into his concepts and creations.

Be here by 6pm to catch the appearance from the Dark Knight himself and many other fun events throughout the evening!

While it’s taken more than half a century for Batman co-creator Bill Finger to finally start receiving official credit for his shaping of the Dark Knight, his legacy goes even deeper. Even the comic book fans who know about the decades Finger spent as the ‘secret’ creator of Batman may not know Finger also wrote the issues which fleshed out the origin story for Superman, too.

Where most stories during the Golden Age of Comics emphasize Superman’s near god-like abilities, Finger’s tale explores a more vulnerable side of Superman, making Clark Kent a more relatable character. Having played such a pivotal role in both Batman and Superman’s earliest days.

You can also catch her on River City Live this Wednesday at 9:30am!