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Presenting “The EØ-Tsu Project,” an unexpected collaboration between Jacksonville’s Elena Øhlander and Matthew Winghart. This exhibition will have champagne receptions from 6-9pm on December 15th and 16th.
This exhibit is a paradise for the mixed media fan. See Øhlander cross painted portraits with materials like newspaper to create intimate work frozen in time, while Winghart brings you back to your childhood with friendly, colorful imagery. Their works encapsulate a unique convergence of cultures and influences that are either familiar to you or just waiting to be introduced.
Winghart supplies a graphic, pop art edge to contrast Øhlander’s contemplative illustrations. Both of these artists wield the psychology of color to invoke feeling in the viewer, ushering you to not only look deeper into yourself via Øhlander’s deep blacks and piercing eyes, but also to consider the lighthearted beauty found in Winghart’s bright, candy coated nostalgia.
“The protagonist in my work takes viewers on a journey into my imagination through gesture, expression, and environment to reveal the many facets of my inner life.” Elena Øhlander is a visual artist and muralist working in the medium of mixed-media illustration. She obtained her BFA in Photography from The Art Institute of Jacksonville in 2014. Her work explores identity, individuality, gender issues, societal gaze, and social justice. She utilizes a contrived scenario, characterization of her own likeness and the intentional use of semiotics to build her vernacular.
“I first started capturing images with a camera at age seven. From that point forward I was hooked, I had to make pictures.” Matthew graduated with a degree in Commercial Photography from Ohio Institute of Photography and holds a BFA in Photography from the University of Dayton, Ohio. He was an early pioneer of Photoshop as a digital “darkroom”, and has used this medium to produce a wide range of embellished photography. Ultimately, Winghart’s goal is to enrich the lives of collectors by reminding them of the simple joys in life.
Prepare to take a trip to a world of striking colors and intimate themes, sure to leave you with a dose of optimism and a renewed urge to connect with your inner self. The artists, who will be present at the show, invite you to join us for this spectacular event 6-9pm on December 15th and 16th.